Friday, November 20, 2009


So I went to the doctor's yesterday- not H1N1 (which for some reason always reminds me of HNIC) but strep and a cold. Let me tell you: being sick and taking care of a baby is NOT fun. I just want someone to rub my feet, make me tea, and read to me in bed while I drift off into a delirious slumber, something akin to Alice in Wonderland. Did that happen? NO. Yes, A took the day off to "help" with tessa, but really... you get my drift. There was no foot rubbing or tea making. Needless to say, I threw a small fit before locking myself in the bedroom for the night.
Where am I going with this?
On another note, I've booked my trip to NJ and will arrive the 27th at 2 something pm. I am SO looking forward to some alone time with some of my favorite people in the world!

1 comment:

  1. eeks! my coworker was out almost all last week with strep and sinus infection. she sounded like darth vader and could hardly stay on the phone. i cant imagine taking care of tesspup through all that. hope you're feeling better. love you & i love this bloggins. good idea! see you SOON!
